Hunter education covers a variety of topics including firearms safety, wildlife identification, wildlife conservation and management, survival, archery, muzzleloading and hunter responsibility. It is available online, 4-hour home study, or an 8-hour traditional course.
Over the past 40 years, hunting related accidents and fatalities have declined by more than 70 percent in Oklahoma. Mandatory hunter education courses have not only reduced accidents within Oklahoma, but also in every state and Canadian province with similar programs.
Minimum Oklahoma age is 10 years old to receive Hunters Education Card.
Participants passing the course will receive their Hunter Safety Cards through ODWC!
Includes Lunch, Hunting Regulations, Hunters Education Manual, Test, 22 Rifle Shoot, hands on learning about tree stands, crossing fences and handling firearms around vehicles. Instructors will cover, black powder, survival, rifle, shotgun, archery, wildlife, laws, etc. All taught by certified Hunters Education Trainers and NRA Instructors with actual hunting experience.