Sharpshooter – Winter 2023

Volume 1, Issue 1

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Articles Featured in this Issue:


When Women Get Involved

When Women Get Involved

This is adapted from a speech presented by Mark Vaughan at the 2022 Women’s Fun Shoot at the Oklahoma City Gun Club, which is part of the Women on Target program from the NRA. It tells the story of current OKCGC president, Suzi Rouse’s involvement that led to this...

Stevens County Rifle & Pistol – SCRAP

Stevens County Rifle & Pistol – SCRAP

The “Steel Challenge” is growing in popularity across the country, and Southwest Oklahoma is no exception.  For new shooters in the Duncan-Marlow area, the best place to try this new sport is the Stephens County Rifle and Pistol Club, better known to shooters by the...