Advertise with the ORA Name First Last Email PhoneI'm Interested in Advertising...In the SharpshooterDigitally on ORA's WebsiteWhat size ad are you wanting to buy?Full Page1/2 Page1/4 PageHow many issues do you want this ad to run in?1234We use apply a discounted rate for running an ad in 2 or more issues.What size ad do you want to buy?Banner (728x90)Sidebar (300x300)What position do you want the ad to display in?Classifieds Page TopClassifieds Page BottomEvents Page TopEvents Page BottomWhat position do you want the ad to display in?Top SidebarPosition 2 SidebarPosition 3 SidebarPosition 4 SidebarDo you have artwork for your ad?Yes!Yes, but I need some help with it.No, I need help creating my ad.Send us your artwork!Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.Even if you need help, go ahead and send us your PNG, JPG, or PDF art file and we will get back to you with any necessary adjustments.What is your company's name?Website Email PhoneIs there a logo you can provide?Max. file size: 128 MB.