Cathy Wright is another one of our ORA members who serves nationally on the NRA Board of Directors. Her home is in North Beach, MD, but as you see, our NRA leadership oftentimes supports multiple state associations with membership, advocacy, and collaboration. Cathy is running again for the NRA Board in the February election.

A former executive director and legislative lobbyist for medical societies in Massachusetts, Virginia, and North Carolina, she had done extensive work with presidential, state, congressional, and local political campaigns. Ms. Wright is an experienced grassroots activist, public speaker for political and civic organizations, enthusiastic promoter of NRA programs, and effective advocate for the NRA-ILA.

Ms. Wright has been married to John D. Wright, Jr., M.D. for 52 years, has two children and seven grandchildren. She is an active volunteer in her church and a local food pantry, and is a student of golf and ballroom dancing.

Cathy tells us a little more of her motivation for the 2nd Amendment first hand!

What motivated me to serve as a member of the NRA Board of Directors? Perhaps the more important question should be: What drove me to become so passionate about protecting the Second Amendment? I believe that gun control and the attacks on the Second Amendment amount to much more than just guns. If the government can override the Second Amendment, who’s to say that it can’t override the First Amendment? Or our Constitution? The radical gun control activists hate gun-owning Americans and despise the independence and self-sufficiency of an armed population. I believe that our right to own guns is essential for freedom and as a defender of the Second Amendment, I trust everyday Americans far more than government or bureaucrats. The freedoms we surrender today are the freedoms our grandchildren will never know existed.


So, in 2016 I decided to take my passion and do something about it. I became a Life Member of the NRA and volunteered with the NRA-Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) to support, through education and grassroots initiatives, pro-Second Amendment candidates. I became an ILA Frontlines Activist Volunteer and continue to this day to educate and advocate.


Together with new management and leadership, the NRA 2.0 can grow an active and committed membership who will stand together in defense of our fundamental rights and freedoms. With your support and vote to re-elect me to the NRA Board of Directors, I promise to remain dedicated and vigilant. Thank you for your consideration.