A Gift for our Gun Communities in 2025!
This is why I believe it is a gift for us as we approach inauguration day to once again have a commander and chief that fully supports the Second Amendment. As 2nd VP of the NRA, we are working with the incoming administration to safeguard and strengthen our liberties and rights.
There has been some press that this administration has lost confidence in the NRA. This is the mainstream media’s continued attempt to discredit the NRA, backed and promoted by those who wish to see the end of this 150 year old defender of liberty. I can tell you firsthand that we are doing the long, tireless work of righting the ship and restoring the trust of our membership. This includes having a great relationship with the incoming administration.
As I work for each of you at the national level as 2nd VP and then at the state level as the President of the ORA, I need your help. Membership in the ORA is important, your NRA membership is important, and if you are eligible to vote in the upcoming NRA board election, make your voice heard in who you believe should lead our NRA. Get involved with your clubs, go to a match. It is in the grassroots that change and advocacy is the strongest.
It may be a gift to have an incoming administration supportive of our firearm community, but it is not a time for complacency. Now is the time to double down and grow our clubs and associations, so that we are stronger in the generations ahead to preserve our heritage and legacy of freedom.