President’s Letter – Summer 2024
Greetings! Oftentimes I think back to President Lincoln and his legendary Gettysburg address. It was written quickly on his way to a dedication of the battlefield, but it was not quickly passed over in its meaning. Instead, it conveys a powerful message, one that came...
Competition Corner – AR-Tactical
By ORA Director of Competition, Curtis Bohlman – For each issue, ORA Director of Competitions, Curtis Bohlman, shares about the various competitions available to participate in along with updates on ORA sponsored events. In an effort to get some of you...
Semper Fi: A Marine’s Story
By Former ORA President, James White – James White is a WWII Marine Veteran, NRA Instructor, Former ORA President, and Distinguished Marksman. He served the ORA for many years and began the Sharpshooter. This is from the Sharpshooter Archives, July 2003. On the...
Dear Folks
By Director of Outreach, Amber Parrow – Amber shares a discovery she made when researching her family’s history and how it made the importance of the work and sacrifice of our military real. You wouldn’t think out of a portfolio of old papers would be a...