It’s Over!

Last week, the final decision of Judge Cohen was released in the NY AG suit against the NRA with Leticia James’s original stated intent to shut down our 150-year-old organization. This is a big step forward for the NRA that time, money, and resources can be focused more strongly on the NRA’s mission.

In an article in the Washington Examiner, EVP Doug Hamlin states, “As far as the NRA’s health, there’s more optimism here than we’ve had in years,” Hamlin said. “We were just going through our 2025 budget, and we’re adding staff for the first time since pre-COVID. We’re investing in our programs and services. We’re investing in our competitive shooting, our education and training. We’re investing in our clubs and associations, our grassroots programs. We’re investing in our Eddie Eagle, youth safety, our Women on Target, our women’s Refuse to be a Victim” programs, he said.

As the only NRA state-affiliated organization in Oklahoma, ORA President Mark Vaughan states that “We’re pleased to be entering this next chapter with the NRA and seeing the advent of NRA 2.0 and how that will bolster our efforts for Oklahoma’s gun owners. There are good things to come!”

Meet the new Interim Director for NRA-ILA!

In recent NRA news, John Commerford was appointed the interim executive director for NRA-ILA. This is the segment of the NRA that is focused on legislation that impacts gun owners and your 2nd Amendment rights.  The ORA works with NRA-ILA state representatives on Oklahoma-specific legislation, working alongside our public officials to ensure our rights and freedoms.

At the ORA, we are looking forward to the continued work from the NRA at a national and state level, with our work with ILA under Commerford’s leadership.