Weekly Updates
Weekly Update – 1/31/25
The 2025 Legislative Session Begins Feb. 3! Oklahoma's 2025 legislative session begins on Monday and your ORA team has already been at work engaging extensively with Oklahoma's legislators. Stay tuned for legislative updates!Mark and his wife, Andrea, speaking to Kyle...
Weekly Update – 1/24/2025
We're Kicking Off the 2025 Legislative Session! With the kickoff of the legislative session coming up quickly! We are already at work, reviewing and consulting on over 40 pieces of legislation. There are a few in particular that we are working on, including the gun...
Weekly Update – 1/17/2024
A Gift for our Gun Communities in 2025! During President Trump's first presidency, I had the honor of speaking during his keynote at the 2019 NRA Annual Meeting. I told the story of being in the right place, at the right time, with my AR-15 to stop evil from...
Weekly Update – 1/10/2025
Election Victory was No Accident! As we approach the welcoming in of the new Presidential administration, we are certainly thankful to be seeing the next four years as favorable to our 2nd Amendment rights. However, we want to reflect on what happens behind the scenes...
Weekly Update – 1/3/2025
2025 is an Exciting Year for the Gun Community! Greetings! 2025, in particular, is exciting to me for the future of our gun communities, let me tell you why! I had the honor of spending an afternoon trap shooting with an outstanding young man, Michael Gates from...
Weekly Updates – 12/19/2024
It's Over! Last week, the final decision of Judge Cohen was released in the NY AG suit against the NRA with Leticia James's original stated intent to shut down our 150-year-old organization. This is a big step forward for the NRA that time, money, and resources can be...
Weekly Update – 11/27/24
Thankful for You! Gratefulness is good for you. An article from UCLA explains that 15 minutes of gratitude a day can impact your mental wellbeing, heart health, and sleep. That means taking time to reflect on our blessings isn’t just a one time occurrence with turkey...
Weekly Updates – 11/15/24
Congratulations Elisa! We've been following Elisa Boozer for a while now and recognized her with an ORA Life Membership and were able to facilitate her being recognized at the Capitol last legislative session. Elisa even joined us in Dallas at the NRA Annual meetings,...
Special Update – 11/6/2024
Our Work Has Only Begun! Were you up late last night watching the map turn red? This was a victory for our second amendment, and I want to thank each of you for getting out to vote and encouraging others in our firearm and hunting communities to exercise this...
Special Update – 11/4/2024
A Special Update from ORA President, Mark Vaughan Tomorrow is an important day for all of us as Americans - our ability to make our voice heard through voting is a special right that our Founding Fathers ensured was in place. Voting is ESSENTIAL to our freedoms! ...